Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why it's IMPERATIVE you read this blog...

All over the World Wide Web 100’s of 1000’s of blogs are starting up every day.  But what do these blogs actually give you? “Food for thought”, a “different way of seeing things”…maybe.  What if a blog actually made you smarter, would you read it then?  What if reading a blog guaranteed you to:

  • Never get the flu 
  • Have a 20% greater chance of winning the lottery
  • Add 7/mpg to your car
  • Stop the spread of Communism
  • Star in a romantic comedy
  • Receive a promotion
  • Raise your IQ 15 points
  • Lower the National Debt
  • Look 10 years younger
-The possibilities are endless; scientists are discovering new benefits associated with our blog every day.-

The OWU Annual Giving Blog grants these benefits and more to all of its regular readers.  So why wouldn’t you take 20 minutes here and there to gain all of these glorious  benefits?  You’d be crazy to bypass all of these life altering effects unless of course…you’re a communist. 

Disclaimer: This blog doesn’t actually: Stop the flu, help you win the lottery, add 7/mpg, stop communism, help you star in a movie, receive a promotion, raise your intelligence, help the national debt, and take 10 years off your face.  However we will offer you some laughs and of course good old… “Food for Thought”. 
