Thursday, October 28, 2010

Just a few of the many reasons that OWU is a special place

Hi! I'm Tori Schlaudt, the legacy intern at the Annual Giving Office. As a sophomore at OWU, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to be an intern here. The staff is all extremely welcoming and friendly, and I love helping the University in any way I can because this truly is a wonderful school.
I am extremely excited about all the new Sagan courses at OWU, and as a person who went on one, I can say that they are worth every penny. Learning about something in a classroom is fantastic, but combining that with real life experience and knowledge is something that is very unique to Ohio Wesleyan, and is a way to spark people's curiosity about the rest of the world. Traveling is an experience that cannot be matched and Ohio Wesleyan clearly understands that. The University also shows its support of travel and experiential learning through its support of mission trips and study abroad programs, like the one I will be attending next semester in Venezuela.
Another thing unique to OWU is our emphasis on community service. Last year, the University won a Presidential Award for community service, and was one of only three universities to do so. I am proud to be a part of a school that cares about knowledge and about the good of the community. 
I guess the point of my post is to say that I feel very lucky to attend a progressive University that is so focused on community service and travel to enhance knowledge.